The Deb Sheftz Memorial Scholarship Fund – to provide a one-year, non-recurring scholarship up to $2500/per student annually to assist the student in attending college for his/her first year. Attention will be focused on a commitment to social justice with a commitment to assisting those individuals who are disadvantaged, protecting those who are marginalized, and speaking for those without a voice. Scholarship Details NewsLearn More →

A permanent endowed fund of the Community Foundation of Southern Maryland, “to continue and further the work of United Way of Charles County by providing a Fund which will increase in value and provide funds for future use by the organization”. With a match from the Chaney Foundation, the United Way of Charles County established a $10,000 endowment fund. This is one way the Community Foundation of Southern Maryland (CFCC) facilitates giving by providing theLearn More →

Designated Endowment Fund established to support scholarships at St. John’s School, Hollywood, MD. Mike and Barbara Thompson of Hollywood established a growing endowment that will provide scholarships for students attending St. John’s School now and forever. The new fund, named St. John’s School Scholarship Fund, was established to fund students’ tuition and fees based on financial need to be allocated at the discretion of the school principal. Parents, family, alumni & friends are encouraged toLearn More →

The Southern Maryland Women’s League Fund was created in November 2008 to “promote, strengthen and support women and issues in the areas of health, education, economics, and other related issues, as they arise, and where a need is demonstrated.’ A donor-advised endowment fund established through a collaboration between Southern Maryland Women’s League and the Chaney Foundation.   News  Learn More →